One of the survivors of the abuse perpetrated at St Bede’s College during the 1950s and 1960s has kindly forwarded a copy of the letter shown above together with a copy of the letter he sent originally to Father O'Sullivan. He has made these available to give others an opportunity to see for themselves the nature of the responses received by those who contact the Diocese of Salford about their experiences at St Bede’s.
The contents of the reply – and most especially the assertion that “there is no evidence to suggest that the Bishops or any of those in senior office within the Diocese at the time had any knowledge of the concerns you raised” - should, perhaps, be considered alongside a number of salient facts.
These include:
· The fact that Bishop Geoffrey Burke, who retired on 31st July 1988, was according to the website of the Diocese of Salford (see http://www.salforddiocese.org.uk/former-bishop/bishop-geoffrey-burke )
o “at St Bede’s College from 1940 until 1967, becoming in turn professor, Headmaster and Rector.”
o “Appointed auxiliary Bishop of Salford and titular Bishop of Vagrauta, he was consecrated by Bishop Holland on 29th June 1967.”
o “resided at Cathedral House in Salford and took a very active role in the administration and work of the diocese.”
- The fact that another survivor, who has identified himself privately and is referring to events that took place in the 1950s, reports that “After the worst and last incident … my father … confronted the bishop and Duggan in his study. But it was still a 'no-win' situation as I left the school with my father and the horrible Geoff Burke told everyone … I had 'been expelled for bringing the reputation of the school into disrepute'. And Duggan carried on till 1966 protected by the church.” (see http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5504951114233652085&postID=3638674777010711981 ).
· The fact that Father O’Sullivan, himself, can be heard very clearly on the
audio-recording available at http://www.mediafire.com/?se3udyzz3jql7gr,
saying “I've been a priest for 23 years. I've heard stories for 23 years
about Duggan; on the golf course or on retreats".
The original letter of 25 March 2011 to which Father O'Sullivan was responding included the questions and statements given below (NB. Some information from which family members could be identified has been omitted.)
“Dear Father O'Sullivan
… In the 1950's, myself and elder brother, ______ unfortunately and with a great amount of reluctance were sent as boarders to St Bede's. I was about 12 years of age at the time of my "hurt" which I suffered at the evil hands of Duggan, for such a small misdemeanour that I had done. For legal reasons, I won't enlighten further at this stage.
… Father O’Sullivan, could you give me your views on why, as our days as boarders at St Bede's were marred in such a manner, none of the priests ever highlighted this evil man. It beggars belief the naivety of those priests.
The next question I would like to put to you father is this; I cannot for the life of me believe that there were not people in higher places who installed this evil man from a priest to a monsignor, did they not know what he was? The hypocrisy and pomp that they afforded him sickens me to the core. His endorsement to such a high stature is unbelievable and in some ways the people responsible for this are, in my view, as bad as him. Father, this might seem to you to be very bitter of me and my feelings, but I am sorry, it is how I feel.
The third question I would put to you is this; do you believe that Duggan would have been forgiven by God for the wrongdoings that he did to hundreds of young boys all those years ago? Well I don't and I hope that if there is a Hell, he is on top of the fire keeping in inflamed, as he deserves it.
Father, I could go on and on regarding the depravity that I witnessed during my stay at St Bede's but, for legal reasons, I will not at this stage reveal further.
My final question to you at this stage would be; did you, as an adolescent in your young days at school, ever experience the groping hands of your elders? Those days that should have been the most memorable and happiest days in a child's life, instead of the Hell that I experienced and recall.
I can tell you that my academic years became a blur, with no positive results of achievement what so ever. I lost interest in everything attached to St Bede's, which is very sad. I can tell you that I became the embarrassment of my whole family. My siblings attained wonderful results in their academic years, with all of my sisters becoming successful _______. My brother, ______ became a very respected and sought after _____. So you can see, the family were not idiots or failures. Only through hard work and determination, becoming a tradesman running my own _____ company did I achieve some success in life.
Father, I hope that you will respond urgently to my letter as I have already read of a person who was interviewed by you and has had very little response in nine years.”
Is there no end to the crassness of the RCC in Salford. How can they be in denial still after all these years. It was 'common' knowledge that evil took place in Duggan's office on a regular basis and I was one of them.Dating from late 1950! And he carried on until 1966 long after my father had confronted Duggan and the then bishop in the office were it all happened to me and god knows how many others. There were other priests that spotted and groomed boys as young as 10 for the evil one.
Duggan had one great asset that kept him out of the hands of the law courts for all those years, the catholic church and its hierarchy.
He had unwitting helpers in his crimes against young boys, who? The parents of the abused boys who could not believe what theirs sons were telling them.
Almost every boy went home after the first time Duggan fiddled with their private parts and spanking their bare-bottoms and usually told their father. But if you were at Bede's then for the most part the parents were proud that their sons had gone there, mostly very devout catholics, thinking they would get a super education and if not becoming a priest then going onto higher things in the commercial world. Just the mention of Bede's at a job interview was enough to get a start on the following Monday!
So, the young boy gets home that evening and tells his father what has happened: I was punished today by TD smacking me on the bare-bottom and playing at the same time with my willy. Result the his father explodes and drags his 10 year old son upstairs to his bedroom and puts him over his knee and wallops his bare bottom even harder than TD had done earlier in the day. At the same time calling his son "you horrible little liar" and "dirty little boy" and then wallops him again for those two offences. "You will never mention this incident again to anyone, especially your mother! If you do, you shall go to HELL and damnation for all time!"
So, the little boy has lost his best friend and, until that moment, the one person in his life he could trust!
The little 10 year old boy is sent back to school and TD has another long term victim. In this case more than 3 years before the truth came out and the confrontation mentioned above took place.
The boy left the school with his father and the infamous Geoff Burke,hated by the school almost as much as TD, announced to the school that,so and so,has been expelled for "bringing the reputation of Bede's into dis-repute". So, Duggan and his cronies carried on until 1966 until he was moved overnight to a small parish, who did NOT want him, and thankfully died in 1968.
If there are any 'old bedians' that suffered abuse by Duggan or the others contact Paul Malpas or this site. Google 'paulmalpas'
Its been a long 61 years and my journey is almost ended.
I wonder in the Salford diocese or even the Catholic Church in general give or gave any thought to the number of suicides or attempted suicides that can be laid at the door of Tommy Duggan? Today teenage suicide is a daily occurance but in the 1950's very rare indeed. At the time it was easier to put it down to an accident rather than suicide. To 'spare the parents'was an easy let out.
But what about the boys now in their 60's or 70's that carry the physical scars of their attempted suicide on their bodies that they have never been able to explain to anyone, much less their wives of 40 years or more.
What of the smouldering angry that they hold inside that sometimes bursts forth and also cannot be explained truthfully to the people that love them most of all.
Duggan might be long gone but his cancerous evil lives on.
There is a documentry available for free online viewing called "DELIVER US FROM EVIL" or can be purchased from Amazon.
It is about just one case of a priest abusing children in the United States spread over many years and catholic parishes. When the compliants at one church came to a head, then the local bishop moved him to another church not too many miles away. This is exactly what happens in the UK,Ireland, Australia and most other countries in the world.
The so-called 'priest' was convicted and jailed for 16 years but was freed after only 8 years. He went home to Ireland where, as far as I know, walks around a free man without restictions to this day. He actually appears in the film without any mention of remorse or contrition.
If you can watch this documentry without cracking up and crying your eyes out then YOU have a problem!
May I suggest anyone that finds his way to this blog on the "Reign of Terror" by Thomas Duggan of St Bede's from 1950 until 1966 and his sexual abuse of countless young boys sometimes as young as 9 years old.
Paul Malpas has a remarkable website covering many aspects of the horror.
Find him via Google as 'paulmalpas'.
After 61 years we are coming to the final straight!
What a pity the people at the MEN show no interest in this saga. WHY?
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